Eboness Black has been an employee of Volunteers of America South Central Louisiana for over 21 years.
Presently she serves as the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer! As COO she oversees the program operations in all four regions of VOASCLA. To include the agency’s overall Diversity initiatives. Eboness has a passion for servant leadership, organizational and leadership development. She loves her work at Volunteers of America and is very proud of the work accomplished by Team VOASCLA.
During her leadership of Supportive Services, Eboness was responsible for services to over 2,500 individuals annually, and a $6 million operating budget. In addition, she implemented and expanded veteran services, serving over 3,200 veterans and veteran families since 2001.
Eboness has great respect and appreciation for our veterans. She is the daughter of a U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran. Her love for service and humanity, led her to serve on the Mayor’s Veterans and Homeless Coalitions. As an advocate for resources for people with intellectual and development disabilities, Eboness is an active board member of the Community Providers Association (CPA) for Human Services providers throughout the state. Eboness has a Master Degree in Organizational Management, and is currently pursuing her PhD in Organizational Leadership. In addition, she has 28 years of experience in Human Services. Eboness became a Commissioned Minister with Volunteers of America in 2013, and was Ordained with Volunteers of America in 2019.
Eboness is married to Tyrone Black, and is the proud mother of two (Albert & Amanda) and grandmother of two granddaughters (Zoey & Zyri). In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, cooking, and spending time with family.