Our Mission
Volunteers of America is a movement organized to reach and uplift all people and bring them to the knowledge and active service of God.
Volunteers of America, illustrating the presence of God through all that we do, serves people and communities in need and creates opportunities for people to experience the joy of serving others.
Volunteers of America measures its success in positive change in the lives of the individuals and communities we serve.
Our Vision:
A world where all people in our communities live with social, emotional and physical well-being, spiritual fulfillment, justice, and hope.
VOA SCLA Impact Statement:
Volunteers of America supports all people in our communities to achieve their full potential.
Our History
Some people can’t imagine doing what we do…we can’t imagine not doing it.
Volunteers of America was founded in 1896 with a promise “To go wherever we are needed and do whatever comes to hand” in the service of God and humanity.
On these founding values our organization has grown to be one of the largest, most diversified, and most effective faith-based charities in America, particularly in the 27 Louisiana parishes we serve.
We serve Acadia, Allen, Ascension, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Catahoula, Concordia, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Evangeline, Grant, Iberia, Iberville, Jefferson Davis, La Salle, Lafayette, Pointe Coupee, Rapides, St. Landry, St. Martin, Vermilion, Vernon, West Baton Rouge, West Feliciana, and Winn parishes.
In the Baton Rouge area since 1921, Volunteers of America has been a steady organization assisting people in need. Volunteers of America South Central Louisiana serves individuals in the Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles and Alexandria areas. We are there to support abused and neglected children, youth at risk, the elderly, families, people with chronic mental illness or developmental disabilities, the homeless and many more.
We believe that meeting basic needs can be life-changing; that social programs don’t have to be big, complicated, expensive or impersonal; and that human services are most effective when carried out in a spirit of kindness and caring
We also recognize a deep human need to express faith through action — to carry out God’s will that we love one another. Our mission brings people together in service in a variety of areas; as donors and volunteers and through churches, schools, businesses, service clubs, and other nonprofit organizations.
Our vision is to engage the energy and spirit of the people of South Central Louisiana, to care for our neighbors who need help today, and to build healthier, more compassionate communities for tomorrow.