Crisis Stabilization (LC)

Crisis Stabilization is an out-of-home service for persons with mental health or co-occurring disorders who is in need of support and interventions which do not warrant a psychiatric hospitalization but do require immediate assistance and relief. VOA will provide short-term crisis stabilization which includes supervision and support for as long as it is therapeutically needed while additional interventions are being planned and arranged. The goal of the program is to assist with preventing recurring and unnecessary psychiatric hospitalizations. Referrals from ImCal Human Services District will receive precedence but referrals may also be accepted from any public or private mental health agency (for-profit or non-profit) within the service area. This program is funded by Imperial Calcasieu Human Services District and does not require Medicaid for admittance.

For more information, contact Kellie Davis

Phone: (337) 564-3212 . Email:

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