Supportive Services Street Outreach

The Outreach program partners with a broad range of service providers to meet the needs of its homeless participants. We enjoy collaborative relationships and a formal coordinated entry system with other providers. To include primary health, legal, employment, and SOAR services. Additionally, the program works closely with Capital Area Human Services District to link participants to mental health and addiction disorder treatment services, as well as prevention services. VOASCLA’s HIV/AIDS and Veteran services programs provide counseling and information to Outreach participants when needs are identified.

Outreach Goals and Outcomes

Identify homeless persons that are living on the streets or in places that are not meant for human habitation. Our team conducts street outreach four days a week focusing on places such as shelters, identified encampments, and sites where the homeless population is known to congregate. More than half of program participants who enter with unmet physical, emotional, or mental health needs will be linked to services.

Homeless Outreach Services relies on the donation of items such as toiletry (personal hygiene) kits, snack foods, bottled water, flashlights, and PPEs.

Outreach Services

Phone: (225) 978-5230

Hours of Operation:
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

Need housing assistance?

Mobile Outreach Van Schedule

February 2025

Library Case Manager Schedule

February 2025

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